Electron Microscopy Symposium at UCEM and KBC

Thursday, September 22, 2016 13:00 - 18:00
This event does not repeat

Electron Microscopy Symposium, KBC, Umeå University, September 22, 2016

Date: 2016-09-22
Time: 13:00 - 18:00
Locations: KBC-huset, Lilla hörsalen, KB3A9

Welcome to the EM Symposium at KBC and the new UCEM cryo-EM Core Facility!

Organised by:
The Umeå Core Facility for Electron Microscopy (UCEM)
Department of Chemistry
Umeå Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR) and The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS)

Programme - Thursday 22 September

13:00 Genomic RNA folding mediates assembly of human parechovirus
Sarah Butcher
Department of Biosciences, University of Helsinki, Finland

13:40 Mechanism of action of Tc toxins
Stefan Raunser
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology
Dortmund, Germany
webpage   abstract

14:20 Update from the Umeå cryo-EM facility

14:30 Coffee

14:50 Molecular Machines in Action
Thomas Marlovits
Centre for Structural Systems Biology, Hamburg, Germany
and Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Austrian Academy of Sciences (IMBA)

15:30 Structure analysis of huntingtin and linkage to development of Huntington’s disease
Hans Hebert
Dept of Biosciences and Nutrition and School of Technology and Health
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

16:10 Refreshments, drinks and coffee

16:20 cryo-EM facility tour

Organised by:
The Umeå Core Facility for Electron Microscopy (UCEM)Department of Chemistry, Umeå Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR) and The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS)

Contact name:

Eva-Maria Diehl, Communication officer for KBC
Phone: +46 73 0885731

Welcome to the UCMR Minisymposium 2016!

Thursday, October 06, 2016 13:00 - 16:30
This event does not repeat

6 October 13.00-16.30
Lecture hall Betula, Biomedical Building, NUS

Contact: Åke Forsberg, Professor, UCMR, MIMS and Department of Molecular Biologym This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


6 October 13.00-16.30
Lecture hall Betula, Biomedical Building, NUS

Contact: Åke Forsberg, Professor, UCMR, MIMS and Department of Molecular Biologym This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Welcome to the Minisymposium 2016 at Umeå Centr for Microbial Research. The symposium is open to all interested people!

Chairpersons: Felipe Cava, MIMS/Molecular Biology and Madeleine Ramstedt, UCMR/Chemistry

Irfan Ahmad UCMR postdoc, Group Bernt Eric Uhlin, MIMS/UCMR, Molecular Biology
Regulation of bacterial physiology and pathogenesis by c-di-GMP signalling

Paulina Wanrooij, Postdoc, Group Andrei Chabes, MIMS/UCMR, Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
The effect of altered dNTP pools on mitochondrial DNA

Dmitry Ignatov, UCMR postdoc, Group Jörgen Johansson, MIMS/UCMR, Molecular biology
Search for targets of Listeria monocytogenes small RNA Rli38

Emil Johansson, PhD student, Group Mikael Elofsson, UCMR, Chemistry
Design and synthesis of novel sialic acid conjugates that block host cell attachment by sialic acid recognizing viruses

Victoriia Murina, Postdoc, Group Vasili Hauriliuk, Gemma Atkinson MIMS/UCMR, Molecular Biology
Antibiotic resistance mediated by ribosome-associated ABCF ATPases

Akbar Espaillat, PhD student, Group Felipe Cava, MIMS/UCMR, Molecular Biology
Chemometric Analysis of Bacterial Peptidoglycan Reveals Atypical Modifications That Empower the Cell Wall against Predatory Enzymes and Fly Innate Immunity

15.30-15.00 Coffee break

Chairpersons: Magnus Andersson, UCMR/Physics and Andrea Puhar, MIMS/Molecular Biology

Zhen Zhang, UCMR Postdoc, Group Sun Nyunt Wai, MIMS/UCMR, Molecular Biology
Bacterial toxin production and its modulation of host cell fate

Mikkel Quam, Postdoc, Group Joacim Rocklöf, UCMR/Epidemiology and Public Health
The emergence of dengue in naive areas

Saskia Erttmann, Postdoc, Group Nelson Gekara, MIMS/UCMR, Molecular Biology
Role of DNA damage response protein ATM in innate immunity

David Cisneros
, Postdoc, Group Bernt Eric Uhlin, MIMS/UCMR, Molecular Biology,
Cohesin-mediated chromatin structure regulation in mammalian cells

Tim Stangner
, Postdoc, Group Magnus Andersson, UCMR, Physics
Determining the Specificity of Monoclonal Antibody HPT-101 to Tau-Peptides with Optical Tweezers

Roberto Navais
, Postdoctoral fellow, Group Maria Fällman, MIMS/UCMR, Molecular biology
Seeking genes involved in transcriptional reprogramming of Yersinia for persistence

UCMR Mini-symposium Structural dynamics of biological membranes, 27 October 2016

Thursday, October 27, 2016 14:00 - 16:00
This event does not repeat

Welcome to the UCMR Mini-symposium "Structural dynamics of biological membranes"!

27 October 14:00-16:00
Lilla hörsalen, KB3A9 (new nr. KB.E3.01)

Organisers: Madeleine Ramstedt and Thereza Soares, UCMR and Department of Chemistry

Speakers: Thereza Soares, Michelle Cascella, Jens Preben Morth

UCMR Mini-symposium


14:00 – 14:30
"Atomistic Simulations of Bacterial Outer Membrane Models"
Thereza Soares
professor, currently guest professor at UCMR and Department of Chemistry
Department of Fundamental Chemistry, University of Pernambuco, Brazil 


14:30 – 15:00
"Multi-scale Modelling of Biological Systems Using Coarse-Grained and Hybrid Particle-Field Approaches"
Michele Cascella
professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway


15:00 – 15:30
Coffee break

15:30 – 16:00
"The magnesium transporter A, is dependent on cardiolipin and selectively sensitive to free magnesium"
Jens Preben Morth
Associate Professor, Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM), University of Oslo, Norway


Please register to the coffee break

KBC DAYS 2016, 8-9 November

Tuesday, November 08, 2016 9:00 - Wednesday, November 09, 2016 16:00
This event does not repeat

Welcome to the annual KBC conference! Update yourself and meet your colleagues!

The programme includes:

  • News from KBC environment
  • New faculty members and prize winners
  • Research infrastructures
  • Research projects
  • The Vice-chancellor’s visions
  • Midterm PhD-students’ posters - who will receive the KBC POSTER AWARD 2016?
  • Funding possibilities (Grants Office)

Contact: Eva-Maria Diehl, Anne Honsel, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deadline for registration: 1 November 2016

Programme and registration information:


Nobel Laureate Lecture: Edvard Moser: Grid cells and the brain’s map of space

Thursday, December 08, 2016 13:00 - 14:00
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Laureate Lecture

Edvard Moser

Nobel Laureate 2014
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience
Centre for Neural Computation
Faculty of Medicine
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Grid cells and the brain’s map of space

Place: Aula Nordica

Thesis Defence - Ummehan Avican, MIMS

Friday, December 16, 2016 10:00 - 11:00
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Thesis Defence

Ummehan Avican
MIMS research group Åke Forsberg
Department of Molecular Biology

Twin Arginine Translocation in Yersinia, the Substrates and the Role in Virulence.

Faculty Examiner: Docent Åsa Sjöling, Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institute

Supervisor: Åke Forsberg


Place: Major Groove, Department of Molecular Biology, NUS, Building 6L

Welcome to the UCMR DAY 2017, 12 January

Thursday, January 12, 2017 8:30 - 9:30
This event does not repeat

Welcome to the UCMR DAY 12 January 2017!

All scientists and staff members within UCMR (Umeå Centre for Microbial Research) research groups, collaboration partners and researchers with an interest in microbial research and/or infection biology are invited to a day of inspiring research presentations and an excellent opportunity for networking and initiation of multidisciplinary collaborations.

Find more information about the programme and registration on the webpage of UCMR:



Place: Minor and Major Groove, Department of Molecular Biology, NUS, Building 6L


Contact: Åke Forsberg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thesis defence - Arunkumar Upadhyay

Friday, January 20, 2017 9:00 - 12:00
This event does not repeat

Department of Clinical Microbiology

Thesis defence

Arunkumar Upadhyay
Department of Clinical Microbiology, Virology, and MIMS

Characterizing viperin mode of action through its interaction host factors

Faculty Examiner: Michael Beard, Hepatitis C research Laboratory, School of molecular and Biomedical Science, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australien.
Supervisor: Anna Överby, Clinical Microbiology and MIMS group leader


Place: Lecture Room E04, målpunkt R, Biomedicinhuset 6 A-L, NUS

Thesis defence - Sofie Ekestubbe

Friday, January 27, 2017 9:00 - 12:00
This event does not repeat

Department of Molecular Biology

Thesis Defence

Sofie Ekestubbe

Effects of LcrV and YopN on translocation regulation in the T3SS.

Faculty Examiner: Kurt Schesser, PhD, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Miami.

Supervisor: Åke Forsberg

Place: Naturvetarhuset N200

WCMM Minisymposium Tenure Track

Friday, February 03, 2017 19:00 - 20:00
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Mini-symposium organised by Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine.

Detailed programme here

Talks by invited candidates for the tenure track positions:

Nicholas Taylor
Biozentrum, Basel University, Switzerland
Revealing the triggering mechanism of the bacteriophage T4 nanosyringe by near-atomic resolution cryo-electron microscopy

Eija Pirinen
Research Program for Molecular Neurology, University of Helsinki, Finland
The role of NAD+-dependent enzymes, sirtuins and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases, in the regulation of mitochondrial function

Changchun Chen
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge, UK
Interleukin-17 acts like a neuromodulator of sensory responses

Ronnie Berntsson
Dept of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Umeå University, Sweden
From membrane transporters and bacterial neurotoxins to conjugation via T4SS

Gisa Gerold
TWINCORE, Institute for Experimental Virology, Hannover, Germany
Virology meets proteomics: Virus entry factor discovery and beyond

Marc Erhardt
Helmholz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany
Molecular mechanisms of bacterial motility during Salmonella pathogenesis

Juha Saarikangas
Institute of Biochemistry, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
How aging generates cellular diversity through asymmetrically inherited protein assemblies

Edwin Oh
Duke University Medical School, Duke University, Durham, USA
Modeling a role for cilia in development and disease

Place: NUS 27, Kvinna-barn-onkologi-huset, Bergasalen, NUS , Södra entren

Minisymposium "Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Ecology"

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 13:00 - 17:00
This event does not repeat

Welcome to the minisymposium "Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Ecology"

Where: Room E04 (next to “Blodcentralen”), building 6M

When: 14th February, 13.00-17.00

pdfProgramme for download

13.00                  Welcome


13.01-13.15:    Rift Valley Fever Epidemiology - Magnus Evander

13.15-13.30:    Herpes and Alzheimer – Insights and Hypotheses - Hugo Lövheim

13.30-13.45:    Sindbis – An Upcomer? - Åsa Gylfe

13.45-14.00:    The Spanish Flu - Urban Kumlin

14.00-14.15:    A Reverse Ecology Approach to Understand Tularemia Outbreaks - Anders Johansson

14.15-14.30:    Influenza & Social Networks - Martin Rosvall


14.30-15.30:    Doctoral Students/Postdocs (2-4 min per presenter)1

Coffee/tea will be available


15.30-15.45:    Ecology of the Puumala virus - Frauke Ecke

15.45-16.00:    Modelling Invasion and Abundance of Dengue and Zika Vectors - Jing Helmersson

16.00-16.15:    Evolution of Infectious Diseases in Seasonal Environments - Åke Brännström

16.15-16.30:    Water-borne Disease and Water Treatment - Andreas Tornevi

16.30-16.45:    Early Warning Systems for Infectious Outbreaks - Joacim Rocklöv

16.45-17.00      Summing up and informal discussion


1Roberta Kwok. Communication: Two minutes to impress. Nature, 494, 137-138 (2013). doi:10.1038/nj7435-137a

 Questions to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

NOVOZYMES PRIZE 2017 - Celebratory Lecture by Emmanuelle Charpentier

Monday, March 27, 2017 14:30 - 15:30
This event does not repeat

The Novozymes Prize 2017 was awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier together with Virginijus Siksnys.

In connection with the Prize, Emmanuelle Charpentier will give a celebratory lecture at MIMS, on 27 March.

NOVOZYMES PRIZE institutional lecture

NOTE! The lecture starts at 14:30 not at 15:00 as announced earlier!



Bernt Eric Uhlin, Professor, Director of MIMS, UCMR
Dieter Müller, Professor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research, Umeå University
Introduction to the Novo Nordisk Foundation
Niels-Hendrik von Holstein-Rathlou, Professor, CSO Novo Nordisk Foundation
Motivation for awarding the Novozymes Prize
Søren Molin, Professor, Chair, Novozymes Prize Committee


"The CRISPR-Cas9 game changer in genome engineering: lessons learned from bacteria"

Emmanuelle Charpentier
Professor, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany

Visiting Professor and Group Leader at MIMS and Umeå Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR), Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University After the lecture the Novo Nordisk Foundation will host a reception in front of Major Groove

Place: Major Groove, building 6 L, Biomedicine building, Department of Molecular Biology

Contact: Eva-Maria Diehl, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Exploring the Complexity of Life by Cryo-Electronmicroscopy

Tuesday, May 09, 2017 9:00 - 10:00
This event does not repeat

Major technical advances has enabled cryo-EM to become a mainstream technique in visualization of macromolecules, which provides the most definitive way to describe their mechanisms of action. The first international cryo-EM symposium in Sweden will take place in Stockholm and Umeå, and present the developments that are shaping this scientific breakthrough. Topics covered include central discoveries in cryo-EM, the most recent methodological developments and applications to central biological questions.

Note: the 1st day of the Symposium takes place on 8th of May 2017 at SciLifeLab, Stockholm.

Everybody is welcome!

Registration form to the Umeå Symposium 9th May 2017


Programme 9th May 2017, Umeå (Day 2)

Venue: Stora hörsalen, KBC-building, Umeå University
Registration form

8.45 Welcome
Hans Adolfsson, Vice-Chancellor, Umeå University
9:00 – 9:45 Reducing the cost and increasing the speed of cryoEM
Richard Henderson

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
9:45 – 10:30 Structures of scarce native complexes by cryo-EM: Finally following eukaryotic ribosome biogenesis at molecular resolution
Roland Beckmann

Gene Center, University of Munich LMU, Germany
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee and posters
11:00 – 11:45 Single particle analysis of chromatin complexes
Sara Sandin

Nanyang Technological University, NTU, Singapore
11:45 – 12:30 Protein synthesis in organelles at cryo-EM resolution
Alexey Amunts

Stockholm University
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch and posters
14:00 – 14:45 Opening windows into the cell:  Revealing the molecular  architecture of the nuclear periphery
Elizabeth Villa

University of California, San Diego, USA
14:45 – 15:30 A Hitchhiker's guide to cryo-tomography: travel tips on things to do
Elisabeth Fischer

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH
Bethesda, MD, USA
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee and posters
16:00 – 16:45 Using new methods in cryo-EM to gain mechanistic insight into gene expression
Lori Passmore

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
16:45 – 17:30 Enabling and doing structural biology in situ - Recent advances in cryo-electron tomography
Jürgen Plitzko

Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried/Munich, Germany
17:30 Closing remarks
Bernt Eric Uhlin

Director Cryo-EM Facility Umeå
Scientific Coordinator of UCMR and Director of MIMS, Umeå University
18:00 Dinner


Registration form

UCMR/MIMS Mini-Symposium

Friday, June 09, 2017 9:30 - 12:30
This event does not repeat

Friday 9 June 9:30-11:20
Lilla Hörsalen, KB.E3.01UCMR / MIMS Mini-Symposium

Chairpersons: Maria Fällman (MIMS) and Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson (UCMR)

Lars Anders Carlson
WCMM Fellow, Medical Chemistry and Biophysics, UmU
HIV-1 assembly studied by cryo-electron tomography and in vitro reconstitution

Richard Lundmark
MIMS Group Leader,Integrative Medical Biology, UmU
A correlative approach to understand membrane sculpting

10.20–10.40  Coffee

Andrea Puhar
MIMS Group Leader, Molecular Biology, UmU
Regulation of inflammation during infection in the gut

Felipe Cava
MIMS Group Leader, Molecular Biology, UmU
The mureinome: defining the fundamental principles that govern bacterial cell wall homeostasis towards the development of new species-specific antimicrobial therapies

Infection Research to Meet current and Future Challenges

Monday, June 19, 2017 8:45 - 9:45
This event does not repeat

Jubilee symposium to celebrate Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation's 100 years anniversary

To celebrate 100 years in support of excellent Swedish research and education, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation arranges, in collaboration with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Swedish universities, a series of symposia in areas where the Foundation has provided substantial financial support throughout the years.

The six symposia have different focus and are organised in Lund (4 April), Linköping (13 September), Stockholm (15 September), Uppsala (21 September), and Gothenburg (28 September).

The symposium in Umeå "Infection Research to Meet current and Future Challenges" will take place on:

19 June 2017, 08.45 - 17.20

Aula Nordica, Umeå (->map)

Read more on the website of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences



MIMS Mini-Symposium

Tuesday, November 21, 2017 12:00 - 15:00
This event does not repeat

Welcome to the MIMS Mini-Symposium

Place: Major Groove, Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University, Building 6K/L, Campus of the University Hospital

Systematic functional characterisation of malaria parasite-host interactions
Ellen Bushell
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK

Pathogenic potential in the healthy microbiome
Falk Hildebrand
European Molecular Biology laboratories, Heidelberg, GERMANY

MRSA epidemic: from DNA replication to enhanced therapies
Ignacio Mir Sanchis
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The University of Chicago, USA.

13.40 Coffee


The hidden power of cell-autonomous immunity – a molecular genetic approach in Chlamydia trachomatis
Barbara Sixt
INSERM U1138, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FRANCE


Neoteric strategies of mitochondrial modulation by pathogenic sncRNAs
Bhupesh Prusty

Department of Microbiology, Julius-Maximilians, University of Würzburg
Biozentrum, Würzburg, GERMANY

15.00 End of Symposium

Hosts: Bernt Eric Uhlin, Maria Fällman, Åke Forsberg

International Symposium on Cryo-EM – past and future challenges

Saturday, December 09, 2017 9:00 - 17:15
This event does not repeat

Celebrating the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017
Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, December 9, 2017

Visualizing the structures of biological molecular machines is an absolute requirement in order to understand their mechanism. Cryo-EM is a key method for this visualization, and due to the recent technical developments it can provide refined atomic structures even for structure-based drug design. The symposium coincides with the Nobel Prize that has been awarded for the development of the cryo- EM and will present the methodological progress as well as the applications to central biological questions. It brings together world-leading experts, Swedish researchers, and industrial scientists to discuss ideas for further advancement in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.

The symposium is free of charge but requires registration via symposium website: http://www.mmk.su.se/cryo-em-symsposium. All researchers are welcome to take active part and contribute with posters. Deadline for registration: November 20, 2017.

The Nobel Lectures given by this year’s Nobel Laureates in Physics and Chemistry will be held 9.00-14.00, December 8, Aula Magna, Stockholm University, which are open to public. The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony will be held on December 10.

09.00 – 09.10
Welcome and introduction – Sven Hovmöller, Stockholm University

09.10 – 09.45
Nigel Unwin, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK The structural basis of fast synaptic transmission explored by cryo-EM

09.45 – 10.20
Marin van Heel, Leiden University and LNNano, Campinas Brazil TBA

10.20 – 10.40
Shintaro Aibara, SciLifeLab/Stockholm University, Sweden From pharmaceutical compounds to ribosomes

10.40 – 11:00 Coffee break

11.00 – 11.35
Chris Russo, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK Determining and avoiding some of the physical limits in electron cryomicroscopy

11.35 – 12.10
Christian Spahn, Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Germany The ribosome - a paradigm for a macromolecular machine

12.10 – 12.30
Bjorn Forsberg, SciLifeLab/Stockholm University, Sweden Current and future processing paradigms in cryo-EM

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch and poster session, Arrhenius Laboratory

14.00 – 14.35
Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Nagoya University, Japan Structure-Guided Drug Development by CryoEM

14.35 – 15.10
Peijun Zhang, University of Oxford and eBIC, Diamond Light Source, UK Structural Basis of HIV Capsid Assembly, Maturation and Host Cell Interactions

15:10 – 15:30
Janna Bigalke, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Möndal, Sweden The secret to cell regeneration: structural basis for RET activation by Neurturin

15.30 – 15.50 Coffee break

15:50 – 16:15
Hongwei Wang, Tsinghua University, China New opportunities that the phase plate brings to Cryo-EM

16:15 – 16:40
Dan Shi, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA< MicroED – a new application of electron crystallography in structural biology

16:40 – 17:00
Hongyi Xu, Stockholm University, Sweden Electron crystallography for studying protein structures

17.00– 17:15 Concluding remarks

Alexey Amunts (SciLifeLab/SU)
Erik Lindahl (SciLifeLab/SU & KTH)
Hans Hebert (KTH & KI)
Sven Hovmöller, Hongyi Xu, Xiaodong Zou (SU)
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The science that gave me a Nobel prize and the science that didn’t - Lecture with Nobel laureate Jacques Dubochet

Wednesday, December 13, 2017 14:00 - 15:00
This event does not repeat

Welcome to an open lecture of
Jacques Dubochet
Nobel laureate in Chemistry 2017

The science that gave me a Nobel prize and the science that didn’t

Place: Aula Nordica, Universum


Jacques Dubochet, who is based at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland, will be awarded the Nobel prize on December 10 together with Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson, for developing cryo-electron microscopy for the high-resolution structure determination of biomolecules in solution.

Umeå University and the Umeå Core Facility for Electron Microscopy (UCEM) has one of two cryo-electron microscopes in Sweden.

Hosts for the visit are Linda Sandblad, Director of UCEM and researcher at UCMR, MIMS and the Department of Microbiology, and Lars-Anders Carlson, researcher at WCMM and the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics.

During his visit, Professor Dubochet will also meet Umeå-based researchers and school students.

More information about the 2017 chemistry prize is available at the Nobel committé website


Thursday, January 11, 2018
This event does not repeat

Welcome to the UCMR DAY 11January 2018!

All scientists and staff members within UCMR (Umeå Centre for Microbial Research) research groups, collaboration partners and researchers with an interest in microbial research and/or infection biology are invited to a day of inspiring research presentations and an excellent opportunity for networking and initiation of multidisciplinary collaborations.

This year, we will organise roundtable discussions to enhance interaction between the more than 50 research groups which are connected within the UCMR

Find more information about the programme and registration will be published on the webpage of UCMR:


Place: Minor and Major Groove, Department of Molecular Biology, NUS, Building 6L

Contact: Åke Forsberg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


1st Arctic Meeting on Clinical Tuberculosis, 25-26 January

Thursday, January 25, 2018
This event does not repeat

Welcome to the 1st Arctic Meeting on Clinical Tuberculosis, 25-26 January

Place: Norrland University Hospital, Umeå University

Conference Webpage

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