Welcome to the 12th UCMR DAY on 14 January 2021!
All scientists and staff members within UCMR (Umeå Centre for Microbial Research) research groups, collaboration partners and researchers with an interest in microbial research and/or infection biology are invited to a day of inspiring research presentations and an excellent opportunity for networking and initiation of multidisciplinary collaborations.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, our UCMR DAY will be organised as a digital conference.
Keynote speakers:
Emmanuelle Charpentier, Nobel laureate in Chemistry 2020 Stefan Pöhlmann
UCMR Alumna, and honorary doctor at Umeå University Head of the Infection Biology Unit, University of Göttingen
Mentor of the EC - "Excellence by Choice" postdoctoral programme "SARS-CoV-2 entry into cells and its inhibition"
of UCMR and MIMS
Registration is now open: https://www.trippus.net/UCMR-day
Please visit our conference webpage, for more information about the UCMR DAY 2021!