Jubilee symposium to celebrate Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation's 100 years anniversary
To celebrate 100 years in support of excellent Swedish research and education, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation arranges, in collaboration with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Swedish universities, a series of symposia in areas where the Foundation has provided substantial financial support throughout the years.
The six symposia have different focus and are organised in Lund (4 April), Linköping (13 September), Stockholm (15 September), Uppsala (21 September), and Gothenburg (28 September).
The symposium in Umeå "Infection Research to Meet current and Future Challenges" will take place on:
19 June 2017, 08.45 - 17.20
Aula Nordica, Umeå (->map)
Read more on the website of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences