All scientists and staff members within UCMR (Umeå Centre for Microbial Research) research groups, collaboration partners and researchers with an interest in microbial research and/or infection biology are invited to a day of inspiring research presentations and an excellent opportunity for networking and initiation of multidisciplinary collaborations. Register below and get an update on research within UCMR and core facilities/National infrastructures co-funded by UCMR programs!
The program will include presentations from UCMR research groups from all participating departments as well as invited speakers. There will be a poster session and we strongly encourage especially all young researchers, postdocs and PhD students to present posters.
Venue: Minor Groove and Major Groove, Department of Molecular Biology, Building 6L
Deadline for registration and posters 11 December 2013
Information and registration here
Sunday 23 February 12.00 Samhällsvetarhuset
"forskningens dag" (in Swedish)
Thema: "Infektioner"
Niklas Arnberg, Clas Ahlm, Sven Bergström, magnus Evander, Jörgen Johansson, Constantin Urban, Åsa Gylfe, Anders Johansson
Moderator Sverker Olofsson
Programme here:
UCMR Extra seminar
Monday, 23 June 14.00, at Thymine, bld 6 K/L NUS
Dr. Jordi Torrelles
The Ohio State University
Department of Internal Medicine
Center for Microbial Interface Biology
"Impact of the human lung mucosa on Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis"
Olena Rzhepishevska, PhD
Department of Chemistry
Umeå University
Tel. 0046722029918
Room Thymine/Molecular Biology, NUS area
SciLifeLab will launch two Outreach Days per year with the aim to raise awareness of the technologies and expertise that are offered at the SciLifeLab platforms to researchers from all of Sweden.? ?
SciLifeLab scientists will visit universities around Sweden, two at each occasion, starting with Umeå and Göteborg. The first Outreach Day will focus on Genomics, Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery and Development with other platforms presenting their activities in the form of posters.
The same day also the directors and platform coordinators of the National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) will inform about NGI and local PIs will present examples of their research and collaboration with NGI.
Date: 14 October 2014, 9.30-16.30
Place: KBC, Stora hörsalen, KB3B1 and KB3B3
Please register to the event here:
Registration form
Contact: Eva-Maria Diehl, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WORKSHOP in Electron Microscopy Methods in Life Science
organsed by
Umeå Core Facility Electron Microscopy
Participating Companies
Zeiss, Leica, and Gatan (Oxford Nordiska)
More information here
Contact: Linda Sandblad and Cheng Choo (Nikki) Lee
Place Lilla hörsalen KB3A9, KBC
Deadline extended 12 October 2014!!!
Welcome to the UCMR DAY 2015!
The programme is now online!
Contact: Åke Forsberg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Molecular Biology
Thesis Defence
Edvin Thanikkal
Controlling virulence in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis through accumalation of phosophorylated CpxR.
Faculty Examiner: Andrew Darwin, associate professor, Department of Microbiology, NYU Langone Medical Center.
Supervisor: Matthew Francis
Room: NUS - Norrlands universitetssjukhus, Auditorium E04, Unod R1
How to find E04:
Future faculty invites young scientists that hold a PhD to a workshop in
Leadership in Academy
aimed towards young researchers (PhDs) with a group or with the intention to start a group in the future
As if it is not enough to get funded and publish well to get a shot at a permanent research position – you also need to be a good leader when you finally get the chance. Your scientific production is dependent on your research group and if the group runs into trouble leadership is needed. Leadership in the academic setting is something all of us have been exposed to but very few have formal training in. Do you need to be a “born leader” to manage or are there strategies that we can adopt and become a “leader”? What are the pitfalls? What advice can we get? This workshop aims at discussing leadership in the specific academic setting. Welcome to an interesting workshop together with some people that have taken the big leap to manage a group of their own.
9.30-10.15 Markus Hällgren ”Managing academic projects: a contradiction in terms?”
10.15-10.45 Lena Gunhaga “Flexible leadership”
10.45-11.15 Andrei Chabes “Different styles of Leadership in Academy” 11.15-11.30 Discussion With Coffee and Sandwiches
Room E04, lecture hall.
Please register to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 19th of February. No-shows will be charged for actual food costs.
Future faculty is a special interest organization for young PhD scientists actively involved in research but without a permanent position at the Faculty of Medicine. Future faculty supports junior scientists by spreading information within career related field of interests but should also facilitate junior scientist networking within and outside our own faculty and Umeå University.
The lifespan of humans is steadily increasing in most countries, which will have fundamental implications for our society in the future. World-leading scientists discuss this development, in a meeting commemorating the 275 year anniversary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Place: Aula Nordica
Organiser: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Kontaktperson:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On 2-3 June, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences will hold a symposium on the subject of aging together with Umeå University. Some important issues on future population levels as well as what happens in your brain and body with age will be raised. The event takes place in Aula Nordica at Umeå University and is open to the public and free of charge – please register before 26 May.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences celebrates its 275 year anniversary this year and it is no coincidence that Umeå has been chosen to host the event as several of its members of the presiding committee can be found in Umeå. Already a year ago the question of a celebration in Umeå was posed to the Academy.
Lars Nyberg, head of the Umeå Center for Functional Brain Imaging (UFBI), says that he suggested aging as the theme since research at several faculties at Umeå University has a strong connection with aging.
"Aging is something that affects everyone. Many countries have a largely aging population and many elderly are stricken with metabolic disease and diabetes. What are the consequences and wherein are the challenges when it comes to aging in the future?" Lars Nyberg asks himself.
The symposium will be held in English and is entitled "Aging of societies, bodies, and minds: trends, evolution of functions, and health". Chairs for the two days are researchers at Umeå University and members of the Academy: Gunnar Malmberg, Professor of Applied Geography, Helena Edlund, Professor of Molecular and Developmental Biology, Professor Emeritur Hans-Wolf Watz, Bernt Eric Uhlin, Professor of Medical Microbiology, and Lars Nyberg, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience. Professor Emerita, Marianne Rasmuson, will also contribute.
Speakers from Harvard University, Vienna Institute of Demography, University College of London and University of California have also been invited.
Would you like to know more?
Read more about the symposium and register before 26 May.
More information and programme here:
The event is free of charge and open to the public but registration is required for all participants. (Registration form is found further down at this website). Please note that registration is binding.
32th Meeting of the Nordic Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 3-6 September 2015, Kulturväven, Umeå
Contact: Anders Johansson, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Information and Registration.
Department of Clinical Microbiology, MIMS Group Constantin Urban
Thesis Defence
Marios Stylianou
Department of Clinical Microbiology
Pharmaceutical and Immunological Challenge of Fungal Pathogens
Faculty Examiner:
Professor Christophe D' Enfert, Institute of Pasteur/Mycology Department/ Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity, Paris, France
Supervisor: Constantin F. Urban
Room: Byggnad (6E) R-1, föreläsningssal E04
How to get there:
Umeå University honours Professor Emmanuelle Charpentier for her pioneering research with the powerful discovery of CRISPR-Cas9, which has already been of great importance by providing new opportunities for Life Science research and its applications in Biology and Medicine.
Umeå University will present a special Jubilee Award to Emmanuelle Charpentier at the University's Annual Celebration Ceremony in 2015: The MIMS Excellence by Choice Programme.
Welcome to the Jubilee Symposium "Excellence by Choice"
on Friday 16 October 13.30 - 16.30 Aula Nordica
Invited speakers:
Emmanuelle Charpentier, Professor
MIMS guest professor, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, head of department at Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig
Jörg Hacker, Professor
President of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Halle (Saale), Germany
Dirk Heckl, PhD
Junior Research Group Leader, Department of Pediatric Hematology & Oncology, Hannover Medical School, Germany
Iain Mattaj, Professor
Director General, European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Andrea Puhar, PhD
MIMS Group Leader, Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University
Bernt Eric Uhlin, Professor
Director MIMS and UCMR, Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University
Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker, Professor
Gene Center, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany
Venue: Aula Nordica
The event is open to everybody - no registration needed
More information about the annual ceremony
Press Release about the Umeå University EC Jubilee Award
All scientists and staff members within UCMR (Umeå Centre for Microbial Research) research groups, collaboration partners and researchers with an interest in microbial research and/or infection biology are invited to a day of inspiring research presentations and an excellent opportunity for networking and initiation of multidisciplinary collaborations.
Register below and get an update on research within UCMR and core facilities, National infrastructures co-funded by UCMR programmes!
We encourage young scientists to submit titles for poster presentations! Short talks will be selected from submitted poster presentations!
Venue: Minor Groove and Major Groove, Department of Molecular Biology, Building 6L
Date: 14th of January 2016
Dead-line for registration 20th of December
Department of Molecular Biology and MIMS
Thesis Defence
Christopher Andersson
Regulatory pathways and virulence inhibition in Listeria monocytogenes
Supervisor: Jörgen Johansson
Faculty Examiner:
Professor Claude Parsot, Unite de Pathogenie Microbienne Moleculaire, Institute Pasteur, Paris
Place: KB3B1, Stora hörsalen, KBC-Building
Friday 26 February, 10.00 (Note, change of time) Sal E04, NUS Trapphus R, 1 stairs down
Clinical Microbiology
Thesis defence
Marie Honn
Title: Oxidative stressresponse hos Francisella tularensis
Faculty Examiner: Andres Melendez, Colleges of naoscale Science and
Engineering University of Albany, Sate University of New York
Supervisor Anders Sjöstedt
Department of Clinical Microbiology
Thesis defence
Annasara Lenman
Adenovirus-host interactions: implications for tropism and therapy
Faculty Examiner: Lennart Svensson, Linköping University
Supervisor: Niklas Arnberg
Place:Lecture hall E04
In connection with the meeting of the MIMS-UCMR Board in Umeå we will organise a Mini-Symposium.
Room: Triple Helix, University Liaison Building, Level 3
Anna Arnqvist, Department of Medical Chemistry and Biophysics
Niklas Arnberg, Department of Clinical Microbiology
Anna Linusson, Group leader, Department of Chemistry, UmU
Discovery of selective inhibitors targeting acetylcholinesterase 1 from disease-transmitting mosquitoes
Mikael Rhen, Karolinska Institute. UCMR/MIMS Guest professor
Alternative approaches for studying salmonellosis
Nelson Gekara, MIMS Group Leader, Molecular Biology, UmU
Role of DNA repair proteins in Innate Immune Regulation
Anna Överby, MIMS Group Leader, Clinical Microbiology, UmU
Tick-borne encephalitis virus and the antiviral interferon system
9.50–10.10 Coffe
Vasili Hauryliuk, MIMS Group Leader, Molecular Biology, UmU
The role of ribosome-associated stress factors in antibiotic tolerance and resistance
Andrea Puhar, MIMS Group Leader, Molecular Biology, UmU
Regulation of inflammation by the danger signal ATP in the gut
Magnus Wolf-Watz, Group leader, Department of Chemistry, UmU
Protein dynamics in T3SS mediated effector secretion
11.10- 11.30
Jörgen Johansson, MIMS Group Leader, Molecular Biology, UmU
Disarming bacterial pathogens
Interested people are welcome to listen to the symposium. Due to limitation of time and space we will organise light lunch for the participating speakers, board members and members of the MIMS/UCMR management only, outside of the lecture room, after the symposium.
Contact persons:
for the scientific programme: Åke Forsberg
for the organisation: Eva-Maria Diehl
The symposium is organized jointly by the Medicinal Chemistry Section of the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society and ENABLE, one of the projects in the Innovative Medicines Initiative ND4BB, to showcase future opportunities for antibiotic drug discovery in a stimulating environment. It is also designed to provide plenty of opportunities to meet other delegates, renew friendships and foster new contacts.
Please circulate this information widely in your networks.
Who should attend:
This symposium should be highly interesting for scientists, and representatives from SMEs and the pharmaceutical industry working in the field of antibacterial drug discovery. The aims are to look into the future, at where and how new antibiotics will be discovered, and to discuss the challenges that need to be addressed in developing them. The lectures will be given by leading international scientists in the field. There will also be a poster session where we encourage scientists and company representatives to present and pitch their latest
antibacterial research.
The following will be covered:
There will also be a poster session and we welcome abstracts for consideration.
Scientific and organizing committee
Anders Karlén, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; Cecilia Nilsson, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; Åsa Rosenquist, Medivir, Sweden; Mikael Elofsson, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden; Jan-Erik Nyström, Alveiro LifeScience, Stockholm, Sweden; Robert Stavenger, Glaxo Smith Kline Research and Development Ltd, USA; Diarmaid Hughes, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; Claire Skentelbery, European Biotechnology Network aisbl, Brussels, Belgium; Frederik Deroose, Asclepia, Belgium; Malcolm Page, Basel University, Switzerland; Angela Wittelsberger, Innovative Medicines Initiative, Belgium; Eric Bacque, Sanofi-Aventis Research and Development, France; Carlos Vaca Falconi, Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden.
The symposium will be held at IVA Conference Center in Stockholm, Sweden, on 14-15 September, 2016. The program starts at 09.15 hrs the first day with registration and coffee from 08.00 hrs. The program ends on Thursday the 15th at approximately 16.00 hrs.
Is your company interested in sponsoring this meeting or being one of the exhibitors? For information please contact Jenny Hagberg at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Symposium fee
The participation fee for early registration is 2000 SEK for Academy (1000 SEK for students) and 4000 SEK for Industry. The registration fee after August 15 will be 2500 SEK for Academy (1500 SEK for students) and 5000 SEK for industry.The fee includes documentation, a certificate, coffee and lunch. All prices are excluding VAT.
Cancellation Policy
For information about our cancellation policy, cancellation insurance and VAT, please see our home page,
Register at
Early registration is recommended!
Further information
For questions regarding the program, please contact Carlos Vaca Falconi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and for organizational questions, Jenny Hagberg at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.