Open Symposium
Infectious Disease Dynamics and Control
Place: Betula, building 6M, Norrland University Hospital
“An update on dengue vaccines – hope & despair”
Annelies Wilder-Smith, Umeå University
“Predicting the end of the Zika epidemic in Latin America”
Oliver Brady, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
“Novel strategies to control Aedes aegypti”
Richard Paul, Institute Pasteur
Coffee/tea break
“Statistical challenges when analysing emerging epidemic outbreaks”
Tom Britton, Stockholm University
“Improving surveillance and control of arboviral diseases – the EWARS project”
Leigh Bowman, Umeå University
Place: Betula, NUS building 6M
Organised by Joacim Rocklöv, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine
Programme flyer for download (pdf)
Event organised in Swedish language by the organisation Innovation and Chemical Industries in Sweden (IKEM) in collaboration with the County Council of Västerbotten (VLL)
Life Science-stafetten 2018
Fokus Antibiotika och Antibiotika Resistens
Place: Norrlands University Hospital, Bergasalen (Södra entrén, Målpunkt Q)
Participating speakers from MIMS and UCMR:
Anders Johansson
Jörgen Johansson
Åke Forsberg'
Welcome to the presentations of the postdocs who have been recruited in international competitive calls under 2016/1017!
Eight postdocs present in our
UCMR/MIMS Minisymposium on
Tuesday 10th April 14:30 - 17:00
Please find more information and preliminary programme
Contact: Åke Forsberg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Eva-Maria Diehl, eva-maria This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Welcome to the MIMS Mini-Symposium!
2nd of May 2018, Lilla hörsalen, KB.E3.01, KBC-building
Pushing the (Cellular) Envelope: A hybrid approach to study bacterial membrane proteins across resolutions in their native environment
Lindsay Baker, PhD
Oxford Particle Imaging Centre, Division of Structural Biology, University of Oxford, Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford UK
Structural snapshots of ribosome biogenesis
Jonas Barandun, PhD
Laboratory of Protein and Nucleic Acid Chemistry, The Rockefeller University, New York, USA
Mass spectrometric and structural analysis of host-pathogen interaction networks
Lotta Happonen, PhD
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Division of Infection Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
14:30 Coffee break
Title tba
Shabih Shakeel, PhD
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
Title tba
Goran Stjepanovic, PhD
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
16:00 End of the symposium
Contact: Bernt Eric Uhlin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SciLifeLab Course organised at the national Cryo-EM facility at Umeå Core Facility for Electron Microscopy (UCEM), 14-16 May 2018.
This course is a national course, addressed to current and potential facility users such as PhD students, postdocs, researchers and other employees within the life sciences at all Swedish universities and research institutes, who are curious about structure biology and will profit from new cryo-EM skills.
More information and application on the website of SciLifeLab
(Deadline 15 April)
Friday 18 May 9:00-12:00, NUS 6A–L - Biomedicinhuset, Room E04
Department of Clinical Microbiology
Thesis Defence
Anandi Rajan
Title: Capsid protein functions of human enteric adenovirus
Faculty opponent: Stefan Schwartz, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Lund University
Supervisor: Niklas Arnberg
How to find Lecture Hall E04:
Place: NUS 6A–L - Biomedicinhuset, Room E04
Welcome to our third MIMS / UCMR Mini-Symposium in 2018!
Presentations by the new MIMS Director, new MIMS-Group leaders, recipient of UCMR Gender Policy Support, and Postdocs from the MIMS/UCMR
Department of Clinical Mirobiology - UCMR - MIMS
Thesis Defence
Alicia Edin
Department of Clinical Biology, and MIMS Clinical Research Fellow
Title: Improved diagnosis and prediction for community-aquired pneumonia
Faculty opponent: Thomas Schön, Department of clinical and experimental medicine, Linköping university
Principal supervisor: Anders Johansson
Place: Bergasalen, NUS, building 27 South Entrén, (kvinna - barn - onkologi-huset)
Welcome to our third MIMS / UCMR Mini-Symposium in 2018!
Presentations by the new MIMS Director, new MIMS-Group leaders, recipient of UCMR Gender Policy Support, and Postdocs from the MIMS/UCMR Postdoctoral Programme 2017.
Date: 29 May 2018, 9:00 - 12:05
Venue: Bergasalen, Norrland University Hospital (NUS), South Entrance
(see map:
Please register here latest on 27 May:
NOTE the programme is updated (Christian Pett's presentation has been cancelled)
Session 1 (Chairs: Bernt Eric Uhlin & Maria Fällman)
9:00 Functional Profiling of a Plasmodium genome
Oliver Billker, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK
From 1 September 2018: Professor in Biotechnology with an emphasis on
Molecular Genetics at the Department of Molecular Biology
From 1 October 2018: new MIMS Director
9:30 The Hidden Power of Cell-Autonomous Immunity
Barbara Sixt, Department of Molecular Biology
Since 1 May 2018: New MIMS Group Leader
9:50 Getting to the Roots of Antibiotic Resistance on the Ribosome
Gemma Atkinson, Department of Molecular Biology
recipient of UCMR Gender Policy Support
10:10 Visualization of Intermediate Filament Like Bacterial Cytoskeleton
by Electron Microscopy
Linda Sandblad, Department of Molecular Biology
Director for the Umeå Core Facility for Electron Microscopy (UCEM)
recipient of UCMR Gender Policy Support
10:30 Coffee break
Session 2: The MIMS/UCMR Postdoctoral Fellows 2017
(Chairs: Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson & Åke Forsberg)
10:50 Regulation of activity of long RSHs from Bacillus subtilis (Rel)
Hiraku Takada, Department of Molecular Biology, group Vasili Hauryliuk
11:05 Investigating the sorting mechanism of fimbrial protein (Mfa4) by Lol CDE complex a class of ABC transporters from Porphyromonas gingivalis
A Biophysical and Structural biology approach?
Raghavendra Nagampalli, Department of Chemistry, group Karina Persson
11:20 Environmental cues that trigger Yersinia pseudotuberculosis persistent infection
Dharmendra Kumar Soni, Department of Molecular Biology, group Maria Fällman
11:35 Pan-genome analysis of the genus Francisella
Rajender Kumar, Department of Clinical Microbiology, group Anders Sjöstedt
11:50 End of the MIMS/UCMR Mini-Symposium
Welcome to the interdisciplinary Cellbiology Symposium 2018!
Venue: KBC, Carl Kempe salen (Stora hörsalen) and KBC Focus environment
Our ambition is to bring together scientists (PhD students, postdocs, research engineers, PIs) that work in different research areas in Umeå but share a common interest in cell biology. The aim of the meeting is to exchange up-to-date knowledge and ideas on fundamental and applied aspects of cell biology as well as novel approaches and techniques that are useful for basic research.
The registration and abstract submission is open now!
Deadline for registration 2nd April 2018!
More information about the symposium and registration here:
Scientific organising team:
Ulf Ahlgren, Umeå Centre for Molecular Medicine (UCMM)
Siamsa Doyle, Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC)
Jonathan Gilthorpe, Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Neuroscience
Anna Gustavsson, Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC)
Richard Lundmark, Department of Integrative Medical Biology and Biochemical Imaging Centre Umeå (BICU)
Irene Martinez Carrasco, Biochemical Imaging Center Umeå (BICU)
Stephanie Robert, Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC)
Simon Tuck, Umeå Centre for Molecular Medicine (UCMM)
Daniel Öhlund, Department of Radiation Sciences
Contact for the organisation: Anne Honsel and Eva-Maria Diehl, KBC Communication office, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Clinical Mirobiology - UCMR - MIMS
Thesis Defence
Pedro Lopes
Department of Clinical Microbiology
Title: Candida albicans adaption to host microenvironments drives immune evasion
Faculty opponent: Professor Allistair Brown, Aberdeen Fungal Group, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK.
Principal supervisor: Constantin Urban
Place: Major Groove
The 1st Annual CryoNet Symposium will be organised in Copenhagen and take place at Victor Haderup Auditorium, Panum, building 20.
Scandinavian researchers, students and technical staff are welcome to discuss latest advances in Cryo-electron microscopy.
The Network invited leading experts in the field to share their knowledge and ideas.
Abstract deadline: Abstracts will be selected for short talks and/or poster presentation. Send your abstract (max 300 words) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than August 31 2018.
Pricing: Regular fee 750 DKK (100 Euro) This includes coffee, refreshments, lunch on both days and conference dinner on Monday evening.
Registration and payment with credit/debit card here via EasySignup.
The maximum number of attendees are 150.
More information:
Organizers: Gunnar von Heijne, Stockholm University; Poul Nissen, Aarhus University, Bernt Eric Uhlin, Umeå University; Guillermo Montoya, University of Copenhagen
More information about CryoNet:
Thesis Defence
Department of Clinical Microbiology
Md. Koushikul Islam
Department of Clinical Microbiology
Identification and evaluation of antiviral compounds targeting Rift Valley fever virus.
Faculty oppponent:
Johan Neyts, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium
Clas Ahlm
Place Hörsal: 933 B9
Welcome to another exiting MIMS - Mini-Symposium with invited external speakers!
Tuesday, 30 October 2018, 9:00 - 12:00
Venue: Lecture hall E04, Biomedicine Building, Norrland University Hospital, Unod R1 (map for download here)
Microenvironment in the homeostasis of epithelial transition zones: the hot spots of infection and cancer
Cindrilla Chumduri
Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, and Department of
Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany
Dissecting gene regulatory networks: A case of T helper cells
Johan Henriksson
EMBL-EBI and Gene expression genomics, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK
10:00 Coffee break
Dissection of the type I toxin/antitoxin system TisB/IstRI in Escherichia coli
Cédric Romilly
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (ICM), Uppsala University, Sweden
Dietary modulation of the gut microbiota affects mucosal barrier function
Björn Ole Schröder
Institute of Medicine - Wallenberg Laboratory, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Persistence and resistance strategies by Gram-positive bacteria in severe necrotizing skin and soft tissue infections
Nikolai Siemens
Center for Functional Genomics of Microbes, Department of Molecular Genetics and Infection Biology, University of Greifswald, Germany
12:00 End of the symposium
Contact: Oliver Billker, Director MIMS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Welcome to the KBC DAYS 2018!
Location: Carl Kempe salen (KB.E3.03) and KBCon Focus Environment!
There will be many inspiring presentations from ‘in-house’, including talks by the new faculty members and award recipients, ‘elevator-talks’ and posters from midterm PhD students, and posters and guided tours from the KBC platforms/infrastructures.
This year, several of our future neighbours from the Medical Biology Centre (MBC) will present their research during the KBC Days!
Join the KBC Days to meet your colleagues and update yourself!
Contact: Anna Shevtsova, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thesis Defence - MIMS and Department of Molecular Biology
Anne-Laure Lécrivain
Department of Molecular Biology/ MIMS
Post-transcriptional regulation by RNases in Streptococcus pyogenes
Faculty Examiner/Opponent:
Ciarán Condon, Prof. Dr.,
Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, CNRS UMR8261
Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France
Supervisor: Emmanuelle Charpentier
Place: Lecture Room E04Map
For the 10th time the UCMR Research Groups will meet to their UCMR Day.
When: 10th January 2019
Place: Bergasalen, NUS, South Entrance
Topics to be covered:
Contact: Bernt Eric Uhlin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (concerning the scientific programme)
Eva-Maria Diehl, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for organisation and registration)
Registration latest on 10 December on the KBC registration form website:
Department of Molecular Biology/ MIMS
Thesis Defence
Swarupa Panda
Molecular Biology
The role and mechanism of ubiquitin system in innate immune regulation
Examiner: Professor Geert Van Loo, Universitetet i Gent, Belgien.
Main-Supervisor: Nelson O. Gekara, MIMS, Department of Molecular Biology
Place : Lecture hall A, Unod T09, University Hospital
contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Molecular Biology
Thesis Defence
Nayyer Taheri
Title: Host-pathogen interactions during Campylobacter and Yersinia infections.
NEW Faculty Examiner: Professor Karl-Eric Magnusson, Linköping University
Principal supervisor: Anna Fahlgren
Lecture hall D, Unod T9, Norrland University Hospital
Thesis Defence - Department of Molecular Biology
Nikola Zlatkov Kolev
Regulatory Mechanisms Involved in Pathoadaptation of ExPEC, Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli.
External Reviewer: Eliora Ron, Professor, President of IUMS, School of Molecular Cell Biology & Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Principal Supervisor: Bernt Eric Uhlin, UCMR Director, Department of Molecular Biology
Thesis Defence - Department of Molecular Biology
Ala Javadi
Filament assembly and structural studies of intermediate filament like protein, FilP, in Streptomyces coelicolor.
Faculty opponent: Professor Martin Thanbichler, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany.
Principal supervisor: Linda Sandblad, Team leader MIMS, Director of UCEM
Stora focus rummet (large seminar room) KBF301, KBC building