UCMR Scientific Ambassadors honored on the UCMR DAY 2018

UCMR Scientific Ambassadors2 lr[2018-02-06] Best talk and posters presented by PhD students and postdocs were awarded with "UCMR Scientific Ambassador 2018" during the UCMR DAY 2018.

UCMR started the new year with the centre's annual update, the UCMR DAY, which was organised on 11th January. More than 140 scientists participated, including external guests and collaborators from Karolinska Institute, and University of Tromsø, Norway. The programme covered several novelities. Instead of a full day programme with talks and poster presentations, the afternoon of the UCMR was dedicated to interaction activities. In two poster sessions 45 posters were presented and the short coffee break was then followed by two sessions with round table discussions. The topics for the fifteen discussion groups highlighted research areas as well as infrastructures novel techniques/methods. Vivid discussions took place in separate meeting rooms and could hardly being interrupted for a mingle and refreshment. With continued discussions about present and future activities for UCMR, the 9th UCMR DAY finished in the late evening.

Most positive feedback after the meeting received the "UCMR Scientific Ambassador 2018" which was introduced after an idea of UCMR Director Bernt Eric Uhlin. The prize is awarding PhD students or Postdoctoral fellows with a support worth 25.000 SEK, to be used for active participation in one or more scientific symposia/workshops during 2018.  An external committee evaluated the poster presentations and talks. Sarp Bamyaci, PhD student, group of Åke Forsberg, Marje Kasari, UCMR postdoc, group of Gemma Atkinson, and Hasan Tükenmez, postdoc, group of Christer Larsson, were awarded for excellent poster presentations. Dan Adolfsson, PhD student in the group of Fredrik Almqvist, became UCMR scientific ambassador 2018 for his talk.

Contact: Åke Forsberg, scientific secretary for UCMR
Picture: The UCMR Scientific Ambassadors 2018 Dan Adolfsson, Sarp Bamyaci, Marje Kasari and Hasan Tükenmez (from the left); picture by Eva-Maria Diehl