Mon. 18 Jun, 2012

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Tue. 19 Jun, 2012

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Wed. 20 Jun, 2012

Seminar - Anders Grönlund: Modeling intracellular regulation: Transcription factor kinetics

Wed. 20 Jun, 2012 15:00 - 16:00
UPSC, Department of Plant Physiology

Speaker: Anders Grönlund
new assoc. lector in biological modelling at the department

Title: Modeling intracellular regulation: Transcription factor kinetics

Basic physical constraints in how macromolecules are made and how fast they can find each other in the intracellular environment constrain the fidelity of cellular regulation. These two properties are recently studied experimentally as well as analytically. I will give a brief overview of how such processes can be characterized and modeled.

Place: KB3A9 Lilla hörsalen, KBC

Thu. 21 Jun, 2012

Seminar - Graham Mann: Melanoma risk, outcome and targeted therapy - genomics changes the game

Thu. 21 Jun, 2012 10:00
Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics Seminar Series, spring 2012

Graham Mann, University of Sydney Cancer Research, Westmead Institute for Cancer Research, Westmead Millennium Institute and Melanoma Institute Australia

"Melanoma risk, outcome and targeted therapy - genomics changes the game"

Place: KB3A9, Lilla hörsalen, KBC

Host: Andrei Chabes

Fri. 22 Jun, 2012

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Sat. 23 Jun, 2012

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Sun. 24 Jun, 2012

There are no events on this day.