Mon. 24 Oct, 2011

Mini symposium - UCMR Postdoc Day

Mon. 24 Oct, 2011 13:30 - 16:45
UCMR Mini symposium – Invitation to UCMR post-doc seminars

24 October 2011 13.30-16.45
Lecture room Betula, University Hospital Campus, Building 6 M

pdf Programme flyer

Umeå Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR) is an interdisciplinary research centre established by a consortium of scientists representing medical & molecular microbiology, molecular & structural biology, chemistry & physics, and is devoted to top quality research and novel applications in the fields of microbial pathogenesis. The idea with this mini symposium to highlight the research conducted by post-docs within UCMR research groups and promote collaboration within UCMR but hopefully also lead to new collaborations both within UCMR as well with other research groups.


    Session I: Chairpersons Emma Andersson and Vladimir Vimberg

Bacterial genes involved in macrophage TNF-alpha response to the human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes
Sophie Coudeyras

Total syntheses of Pseudoceramines A-D and Spermatinamine
Mikael Hillgren

Coxsackievirus A24 and cellular receptors on human ocular cells
Nitesh Mistry

How predicting disorder in proteins help us understand disease
Lixiao Wang

YscU and its role in Type-III-Secretion
Stefan Frost

Antibacterial properties of gallium
Olena Rzhepishevska

Coffee break

Session II: Chairpersons Sophie Coudeyras and Mikael Hillgren


Heat temperature requirement A (HtrA) is a Highly Conserved Serine Protease, required for Streptococcus pneumoniae survival in contact with human innate immune system
Vladimir Vimberg


Curli fiber assembly in the presence of small peptidomimetic molecules
Emma Andersson


Structural and functional characterization of SfaX, protein involved in the regulation of adhesion and motility genes in extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli
Patricia Paracuellos


Phagocyte response in fungal infections
Marc Röhm

Inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase: kinetic studies, crystallography and computation to elucidate the nature of protein-ligand interactions
David Andersson

Tue. 25 Oct, 2011

There are no events on this day.

Wed. 26 Oct, 2011

Seminar - Jörgen Bodner: How to give a successful oral presentation

Wed. 26 Oct, 2011 10:00 - 11:00
UCMR and KBC Research Schools present a seminar on:

How to give a successful oral presentation

Speaker: Jörgen Bodner, Rhetoric consultant, Actor, Stage Manager, Narrator

Place: Major Groove, Bldg. 6L, NUS (Department of Molecular Biology)

Thu. 27 Oct, 2011

There are no events on this day.

Fri. 28 Oct, 2011

Seminar - Ralph Gareus: Novel Mouse Models for Biomedical Research

Fri. 28 Oct, 2011 15:00
The "National and International" Seminar Series, fall 2011

Speaker: Ralph Gareaus, Taconic Artemis, Cologne

Title: "Novel Mouse Models for Biomedical Research"

Place: Lecture hall, Betula, Bldg. 6M

Sat. 29 Oct, 2011

There are no events on this day.

Sun. 30 Oct, 2011

There are no events on this day.