SciLifeLab Outreach Day 14 October, KBC Umeå University

All day

SciLifeLab will launch two Outreach Days per year with the aim to raise awareness of the technologies and expertise that are offered at the SciLifeLab platforms to researchers from all of Sweden.? ?

SciLifeLab scientists will visit universities around Sweden, two at each occasion, starting with Umeå and Göteborg. The first Outreach Day will focus on Genomics, Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery and Development with other platforms presenting their activities in the form of posters.

The same day also the directors and platform coordinators of the National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) will inform about NGI and local PIs will present examples of their research and collaboration with NGI.

Date: 14 October 2014, 9.30-16.30
Place: KBC, Stora hörsalen, KB3B1 and KB3B3

Please register to the event here:
Registration form



Contact: Eva-Maria Diehl, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.