Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 14:00 - 15:00
Categories: Seminar*
Contact info: Dan Holmberg, Clinical Microbiology
Department of Clinical Microbiology

Extra Seminar
Resolving the stage-specific contribution of the anti-apoptotic proteins to humoral immunity

Ingela Vikström

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Melbourne, Australia

Place: Betula, University Hospital, building 6 M


Dr Ingela Vikström completed her PhD at the Dept. Med Biosciences, Umeå University in 2006. She then relocated to Melbourne Australia were she is currently a post doctoral fellow at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. Some of her recent publications include:

Vikstrom I, Tarlinton DM. B cell memory and the role of apoptosis in its formation. Mol Immunol. 2011 48:1301-6.
Vikstrom I, Carotta S, Lüthje K, Peperzak V, Jost PJ, Glaser S, Busslinger M, Bouillet P, Strasser A, Nutt SL, Tarlinton DM. Mcl-1 is essential for germinal center formation and B cell memory. Science. 2010 330:1095-9
Carrington EM, Vikstrom IB, Light A, Sutherland RM, Londrigan SL, Mason KD, Huang DC, Lew AM, Tarlinton DM. BH3 mimetics antagonizing restricted prosurvival Bcl-2 proteins represent another class of selective immune modulatory drugs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 107:10967-71.